Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rabid fox in Raymond...Yikes!

First we were on the lookout for bears, and now a rabid fox has reportedly attacked four people in Raymond, N.H., over the past two days.

After attacks on residents on Harriman Hill Road, Abbey Road and Governor's Drive, the fox was killed yesterday and police said it tested positive for rabies.

This discovery comes just a couple of days after an elderly woman in Bridgewater, Mass., was attacked by a fox, which was also possibly rabid. In that attack, the fox grabbed onto her leg so viciously that it took a neighbor to stomp on the thing to get it off.

I haven't spoken to Fish and Game reps to get the official advice, but I do know that if you see a fox outside during the daylight hours, you should be wary. Foxes are mostly nocturnal, so they shouldn't be out roaming the backyard during the day.

I've had what I think is a gray fox around my house, but he's only out at night, so I'm not too worried.

Now, my friend Lara in Exeter has had a fox running around her yard, and judging by the photos on her blog (brickersblog.blogspot.com) the fox has been hanging outside basking in the summer sunshine. So Lara, STAY INSIDE! You could be the next target!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scary isn't it? My grandfather was one of the four that was bitten by the rabid fox. They were attempting to scare it away from the kids that were outside. Sad that such a beautiful animal had to die but there was just no other way. He still has 4 more rabies shots to get. Stay inside and keep your animals close!! There's definitely going to be more of them out there.