Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Every little bit helps tornado victims ... even $18

Declan and Dacey did their part to help the victims of last week's tornado by setting up a lemonade stand. They raised $18.

Sales weren't brisk at Declan and Dacey's lemonade stand on Tuesday, but they still managed to bring in $18 to donate to the vicitms of last week's tornado that left a path of destruction through 11 New Hampshire towns.

We were watching the news Monday night and saw the heart-wrenching story about how Brenda Stevens of Deerfield died while trying to hold onto her stepson's 2-month-old boy when the tornado hit. At the end of the segment there was mention of a fund set up to help the tornado victims. Declan quickly asked, "Oh, can we donate something?" In no time the kids were planning a lemonade stand the next day, preparing the stand and making signs. They sold lemonade and cookies and raised $18. It wasn't a lot, but it'll help. What was most important was that the kids realized that people are in need and that they should always try to help, even if they can't offer much.

If you're looking to donate specifically to the Stevens family, you can make checks payable to:
Jeremy J. Stevens Relief Fund
TD Banknorth
50 Glass St.
Suncook, NH

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